yeah, boyyyeee!

take car. go to mum's. kill phil. grab liz. go to the Winchester. have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.
im so happy to have finally started the blood and ice cream trilogy series! I have been planning to draw these guys for a long time but never got around to it (mainly because I have trouble drawing guys). So heres where it starts, Shaun of the Dead. I actually did two drawings of this, different styles. But not sure how I felt about the first one. Anyway, thought id just stick to my original style and maybe experiment later. When I finish this series, I hope to start on a Vampire Diaries and Mindy Project series. I cant wait for the new seasons to start! Tv has been boring lately, haha.
Have a lovely Wednesday all!


  1. lol cute i have trouble drawing guys too
    can't wait to see the mindy project drawings :)

  2. Man I haven't drawn in years... I wonder if I could still do it...

    And LOVE this movie :D

  3. Love it love it love it. They look perfect and I love that quote.
