Saturday was our first hangout with our new CnC (College n' Career) Pastor and with his wife.
It was a lot of fun! We BBQ'd, played games and even had an egg hunt! WHAT?
We were paired up in teams for the egg hunt and guess what? my partner and i got the most eggs, including the silver egg and won a $5 gift card to Starbucks! :) yay.
After all the games and such we decided to grab a sled in my trunk and some went down this hill next to the park. It wasnt that insane since people were barely sliding, haha. next time we'll do whatever it takes to slide faster!
One of the games we played, i realized that im pretty bad at directing.. well at least around other people screaming and shouting!
Our silver egg.. which had $1 in it! haha. $.50 for me! whoop!
After the park, a bunch of my girl-friends and i decided to do a tiny makeover on our friend, Cristian, which consisted of a trip to the salon and to H&M. I think we did a pretty good job. There wasnt so much to make over, so it was more of an "Ehancement" haha.
The End!
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