New Years Eve
Even though im working and have become sick today (out of all the days) im trying to make the best of it. i got to hangout and have coffee with my best friend (who i have not hung out with in a while.. well, just the two of us) on my lunch. She got me a new Disney mug that she got from Disneyland this past weekend. love it! We just sat at Peets coffee and talked talked talked. It made this New Years Eve.. so far.. a pleasant one :)
I decided to go back to my once upon a time healthy routine. When i was working out back in February i changed my diet. Like homemade smoothies and Juice from Jamba Juice. Even though i don't count on Jamba Juice drinks completely healthy its actually better than most of the things i consume. haha. really all i get from there now are the Juices (which works for me). Today i got one with kale, apple, pineapple and chia. delicious, btw. I hope to bring this healthy kick into the New Year. Along with working out (again).
Speaking of! I decided to post my New Years resolutions. I figured what better way to keep up with them and never forget them than to document it here on my blog. haha.
2014 New Years Resolutions:
🌼 pray more - this is my main thing
🌼 read more - I still have three books to finish =/
🌼 go on more adventures - more LA trips please
🌼 go to comic con & wonder con - I tell my myself every year but this time its going to happen
🌼 more running marathons - my first step is Warrior Dash
🌼 paint more - I wont fail at this
🌼 work out (of course) - predictable.
🌼 always look my best - no matter how tired I am. you just never know who youre going to meet.
🌼 see more movies - even if its by myself
🌼 no drama - this is always a toughy but it mainly revolves around the people you associate with.
🌼 try something new - food, places, etc
🌼 be more responsible - with money, mostly.
🌼 illustrate and/or write a book - mainly childrens
🌼 smile more - even when im exhausted, I must do this.
🌼 go to more concerts - I see them in my future
🌼 help others - in any way that I can.
🌼 be more social - that's my main issue =/
🌼 be more confident - in myself. oh, Rosalyn, please try to do this.
🌼 organize, organize, oh and organize - this means: my room, workspace, my blog and my life in general.
🌼 meet new people - which also fits in the category of "be more social".
🌼 save money!
so, that's a pretty long list. I had no idea. And im pretty sure theres more (I will add them when they come to mind). haha. what are your New Years resolutions? Id like to hear them!
Tonight, ill be spending my New Years with my family. there really is no better way ;)
Have a fantastic night, you guys! be safe!
Rosa Clementine
new years,
10 films of 2013
being the movie fanatic that I am, I figured id make a list of the 10 movies I obsessed over this year. now, there are some that didn't make the list because i haven't seen them yet (those movies are: The Desolation of Smaug, Saving Mr. Banks, Her, The Wolf of Wall Street and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty). And im certain they would all make the list once ive seen them (which im sure will be after New Years). Heres my top 10 movies! All recommend, of course!
10. Captain Phillips : This was insane anxiety throughout the whole film. The fact that its based on a true story is what makes it more interesting and believable. Tom Hanks never seizes to amaze me!9. Gravity : speaking of anxiety.. haha.. yeah, this film probably won that award. I got to see it in 3D (which im not too fond of but I wouldn't have seen it any other way with this one!). The fact that it had only 2 actors, the effects and simplicity of something so real is pretty impressive. This was a really good film!
8. This is the End : I think this movie was pretty brilliant. taking celebrities as they are and filming this intense situation. its a genius comedy. the story took me a little bit by surprise and some things were a little heavy (haha) but I didn't take it seriously (its a movie!) and it was just full on hilarious!
7. Fast and Furious 6 : been a Fast and Furious fan since the beginning but didn't really like ALL films. I think the first, five and this one was the best. Fast 6 was a really good fun/action film. I laughed and I gasp! (RIP Paul).
6. Thor the Dark World : I got to see this one 2 times in the theater :) so yeah, of course this would make the list. I actually favorite this film over the first one. Mainly because theres is just much more going on. I also love the fact that Loki had this on-going humor. There were some things I wasn't too fond of in the film but overall I think it was very entertaining. it also reminded me a bit of Star Wars, you can comment if you're interested in that part. haha.
5. Frozen : this movie. oh my. this movie. I thought this movie was just lovely and hilarious! more hilarious than anything. I loved the character of Ana. They made her character very relatable to ton of girls (i.e. me haha). I loved her awkwardness. Oh and Olaf the snowman.. one of the best characters ever made. though I didn't fancy the music so much, this film is probably one of the best animation films ive seen.
4. Monsters University : I waited for MU for so dang long. the wait was SO worth it. I was not disappointed one bit. the animation was incredible! the music.. oh my! and the humor.. just. YES. i just cant get over the quality of the film. MU has become my top favorite animation films.
3. Hunger Games Catching Fire : every time i would see the trailer for this film id get serious goosebumps. So you can probably only imagine how i felt watching the entire film. i love the first film but this one was just truly amazing. its one of the best films ive ever seen. i told everyone that my anxiety was so bad, that i almost threw up. haha. its true. i was either going to vomit or walk out cause i couldn't handle it. its just that good of a film. haha.
2. Star Trek Into Darkness : never was i a Trekkie fan until i saw the trailer for the first Star Trek film (directed by J.J. Abrams). i wanted to see it so bad which was really weird. So, i saw it and completely fell in love. i was one of the geeks that got all super giggly and excited when Into Darkness came out. J.J. Abrams is just a genius. every film he takes on is just incredible! The acting, music, humor, effects and action in this film was full on fantastic! One of my favorites!
1. The Worlds End : Edgar Wright fits the genius category with Abrams. Huge fan of his work and (again) he did not disappoint with this film. Ive always admired the creativity Wright, Pegg and Frost have. To me, theyre comedic masterminds. The Worlds End was one of the funniest films ive ever seen. So random with brilliant humor, beer and alien robots. haha. Happy that it just fits so well with the other Cornetto films.
that's my top 10, id like to know yours!
leave me a comment and ill be sure to check out some more films! :)
Rosa Clementine
Best of 2013 (Instagram) + fave shot of the year
I don't think I could complain about any year! theres always the fun times and down times but its usually what you get out of it and what you learn is what makes you think back on the year. This year made me realize who I really am, what I want to do and what I want to be. Its made me write down the goals for next year. travel more, do more things (comic con, warrior dash, etc.) and do possibly anything that makes me happy! I gathered photos from my instagram of the highlights from every month. I encourage you all to do the same! Though, some months had more than one highlight I figured picking one photo would be more simple. haha.
January - was the start of being more active. hiked up Mission Peak for the first time and though it was a challenge I felt so accomplished.
February - Disneyland. Nuff said.
March - and after Disneyland, we made a day trip to Universal Studios. fun and exhausting day.
April - my UP/Disneybound birthday. My best friend, Felicia, made my cake. AMAZING.
May - getting to go to the FIRST Pixar night at the SF Giants game. and also getting to see John Lasseter throw the opening pitch!
June - I did my second RAW showcase! I was a nervous wreck but my friends made the whole night worth it!
July - a weekend trip to LA. which included the Warner Brothers Studio Tour. I want to go back!
August - my baby niece, Elayna, turning ONE.
September - making sales like I never had before in my shop.
October - another quick LA trip to see Danny Elfmans music from the films of Tim Burton. BEST. NIGHT. EVERRRRRR.
November - was a bunch of San Francisco trips which included hitting up the Nespresso café for the first time. im obsessed with their Iced Caffe!
December - MAUI. my first time ever in Hawaii and I hope I get to go back.
and as for my favorite shot of the year..
its simple but its become one of my favorites and probably one of the best days ive ever had. though I spent about 5 hours in Santa Monica that day, I seriously fell in love with the place instantly. Its made me love Socal even more. I have been wanting to move to LA for quite some time now and Santa Monica just got me smitten even more.
Can you believe its almost New Years?! I don't even have any plans yet. haha.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! :)
Rosa Clementine
this week has been so stressful. I really have no other word to describe it. I have been having terrible car problems that has got in the way of my Christmas shopping and getting things shipped out :(
I spent money on trying to get it fixed but it seems like theres still a problem. Im not even half way done with Christmas shopping.. Ive decided to just paint all my friends and family something until I can afford the real gifts I want to get them. Sounds like a plan, yeah? haha. Anyway, I couldn't bare to even think about my car and money anymore so I decided to focus my energy on drawing.
I whipped up a new drawing last night and Im kinda in love with it! It will be in my shop in the beginning of January with a whole bunch of new stuff :) So incase you don't follow me on Instagram, I went ahead and posted the picture here!
I will let you all know when tthis & the new stuff are added!
oh, don't forget to read the post below about the Custom Portraits being back :)
I spent money on trying to get it fixed but it seems like theres still a problem. Im not even half way done with Christmas shopping.. Ive decided to just paint all my friends and family something until I can afford the real gifts I want to get them. Sounds like a plan, yeah? haha. Anyway, I couldn't bare to even think about my car and money anymore so I decided to focus my energy on drawing.
I whipped up a new drawing last night and Im kinda in love with it! It will be in my shop in the beginning of January with a whole bunch of new stuff :) So incase you don't follow me on Instagram, I went ahead and posted the picture here!
I will let you all know when tthis & the new stuff are added!
oh, don't forget to read the post below about the Custom Portraits being back :)
Custom Couple Portraits!
Custom Couple Portraits are back! Order yours today! id love to work with you all! :) Since the Holiday coupons expire today (at MIDNIGHT), I have another treat before the year ends!
Today (December 20th) until Decemeber 31st when you order a Custom Couple Portrait, youll get a secret coupon code sent to your email that allows you to get 25% off the entire store! This is a one time deal! So, once you get the secret coupon code you must choose wisely! ;) Hope you all are having a great December so far! Cant believe its almost Christmas!
Rosa Clementine
coupon code,
my art,
Home + Maui pt. 1
im both sad and happy to be back home! Im sure you can guess why I am sad (haha) I sure miss Maui's beautiful beach! When I landed back in San Jose, the cold weather hit me hard. Im currently fighting the sniffles. Although the warm weather and beaches were nice, I am glad to be home :) ive missed being bundled up, blogging, seeing my nieces and nephew and hanging with my friends. I also miss drawing! For some reason I just had no inspiration in Maui. haha. I guess my brain was in "vacation" mode, but still. im ready to start creating new pieces! First, I just need a fat nap ;) Im about to show you part 1 of my Maui trip! So.. get ready!
I went to Maui with my friend and her family! We stayed at the Westin in Kaanapali. A crazy beautiful resort! right outside our window was the view of the swimming pool(s) and the ocean! it was pretty awesome how close we were to the beach. I think I spent more than a couple hours in the water on our last day. haha. anywho, our first day was exciting.. because, well, it was my first time there! :) We did some grocery shopping for the week and then went to dinner at a place called "Aloha Mixed Plate". oh my, my meal was DELICIOUS.
Second day, well, I had to get my iced coffee! of course! During the whole trip I was missing Peets coffee really bad. haha. That night we went to downtown Lahina. Which I really enjoyed! We did some shopping, watched Frozen at a very tiny theater (haha) and had my first shot at Hawaiian Shave Ice. Frozen was seriously one of the funniest movies ive ever seen. I kid you not, I was laughing so hard that I was crying. haha. its also a very sweet movie. totally recommend it! As for Hawaiian shave ice.. OMG. best ever. We had it three times! haha.
Third day was the 49er game! We watched it at the pool bar. it was crazy intense.. especially sitting in the middle of trash talking Seahawk fans =/ there were 49er fans there as well but the only seats available were next to the opposing team. I couldn't believe how much trash they were saying.. wait a minute.. I can. haha. In the end.. we won! :) i was so happy that day! haha. FYI: trash talking gets you no where ;)
Fourth day was Whale watching day! it was so grand! within the first 5 minutes a Whale was near us doing some jumps. i was pretty much jumping up and down squealing like a little girl. haha. it was a pretty awesome experience and such a relaxing boat ride! id love to do some whale watching again.
Well, that was part 1! i will post part 2 tomorrow or Thursday! :)
hope you all are having a fab December so far! guess what!? i haven't done any Christmas shopping! haha. ugh.
Rosa Clementine
I went to Maui with my friend and her family! We stayed at the Westin in Kaanapali. A crazy beautiful resort! right outside our window was the view of the swimming pool(s) and the ocean! it was pretty awesome how close we were to the beach. I think I spent more than a couple hours in the water on our last day. haha. anywho, our first day was exciting.. because, well, it was my first time there! :) We did some grocery shopping for the week and then went to dinner at a place called "Aloha Mixed Plate". oh my, my meal was DELICIOUS.
Second day, well, I had to get my iced coffee! of course! During the whole trip I was missing Peets coffee really bad. haha. That night we went to downtown Lahina. Which I really enjoyed! We did some shopping, watched Frozen at a very tiny theater (haha) and had my first shot at Hawaiian Shave Ice. Frozen was seriously one of the funniest movies ive ever seen. I kid you not, I was laughing so hard that I was crying. haha. its also a very sweet movie. totally recommend it! As for Hawaiian shave ice.. OMG. best ever. We had it three times! haha.
Third day was the 49er game! We watched it at the pool bar. it was crazy intense.. especially sitting in the middle of trash talking Seahawk fans =/ there were 49er fans there as well but the only seats available were next to the opposing team. I couldn't believe how much trash they were saying.. wait a minute.. I can. haha. In the end.. we won! :) i was so happy that day! haha. FYI: trash talking gets you no where ;)
Fourth day was Whale watching day! it was so grand! within the first 5 minutes a Whale was near us doing some jumps. i was pretty much jumping up and down squealing like a little girl. haha. it was a pretty awesome experience and such a relaxing boat ride! id love to do some whale watching again.
Well, that was part 1! i will post part 2 tomorrow or Thursday! :)
hope you all are having a fab December so far! guess what!? i haven't done any Christmas shopping! haha. ugh.
Rosa Clementine
Hello Monday
This week im getting ready for Hawaii! I will be leaving Friday super duper early and coming home next Friday! Which explains why I haven't had any time to create any new drawings :( ive been busy with the Thanksgiving holiday, getting some work done, preparing for the trip and cleaning.. cleaning.. cleaning (my room) haha. Im hoping to have new pieces added to my shop before Friday! So, keep a look out!
Anyway, just cause I haven't posted, doesn't mean I stopped reading blogs ;) today I gathered some of my favorite recent post by different bloggers for you all to check out:
* Imogen Quay Rhodes meets The World - Apache & Honeysuckle
- Sarah from Arrow & Apple shared the story of her new born baby girl
* Everybody Wants To Be A Cat - Ahoy Miss
- Ms. Dee Disneybounding as Marie! #cutenessoverload
* Cookies & Cream Frozen Hot Chocolate - A Beautiful Mess
- Emma's recipe that I am dying to try
* Making Miniature Food - Nerd Burger
- Cazz's fun/cute/pretty hand-made jewelry
* A Holiday Custom Order: Pug Coffee Cozy - Twinkie Chan
- for those who know me well, knows that I LOVE Pugs!
* Etsy Cyber Monday Gift Guide - Pretty Little Fawn
- SHOP!!!
Don't forget about the Holiday Coupons floating around for Pretty Clementine!
Happy Cyber Monday!
Rosa Clementine
girly Pegg's
Of course I would do another Cornetto drawing. I was having fun last night with time to myself drawing away. I did a bunch of drawings while reading at the same time (not exactly at the same time but on tiny little breaks) and it was just grand having some time to just relax and not have any work to do (which is usually nice but getting to draw my own thing is much more fun). one of the drawings I did was an inspired piece by the Dole Whipettes (cc. @dolewhipettes on Instagram) you can see the drawing on their IG :)
So right before bed time I had the urge to whip up yet another Cornetto drawing and I think this has become one of my favorites. I made Simon Pegg's Cornetto characters into girls! haha. next, I would like to do Nick Frost' characters :) I think what made me draw his characters as girls was the fact that I really do have a hard time drawing guys. haha. So I gave up and decided.. hey, why not! :)
hope you all are having a lovely Tuesday so far!
Rosa Clementine
So right before bed time I had the urge to whip up yet another Cornetto drawing and I think this has become one of my favorites. I made Simon Pegg's Cornetto characters into girls! haha. next, I would like to do Nick Frost' characters :) I think what made me draw his characters as girls was the fact that I really do have a hard time drawing guys. haha. So I gave up and decided.. hey, why not! :)
hope you all are having a lovely Tuesday so far!
Rosa Clementine
cornetto trilogy,
my art,
simon pegg
Holiday Coupons
20% off orders $10 or more with code: SANTA
30% off orders $20 or more with code: GINGERBREAD
50% off orders $100 or more with code: HOTCOCOA
and you all already know the coupons i offer in my shop already:
10% off with code: PRETTY
Free shipping on US orders $25 or more with code: SHIPPINAWESOME
♥ im taking my last orders for Custom Couple Portraits TOMORROW (and will resume in January).
♥Any Purchases from my shop from December 6th through December 15th all orders will be shipped on Tuesday the 17th of December.
Rosa Clementine
coupon code,
pretty clementine
a different Hunger
While I was watching tv last night, the Hunger Games Catching Fire trailer came on. I suddenly had the urge to create a Hunger Games piece since the movie is coming out very soon! I didn't feel like drawing anything illustrationy or animatey (yeah, I know, they're not words) but I wanted to created something more realistic I guess. Im always so fond of the skills people have drawing on photoshop with all these different brushes. it amazes me how real they look! So, I thought id try!
Ok, this isn't super realistic.. but im still learning. haha. ive never really drawn a person like this before and I thought drawing my version of Katniss would be a start!
Even though its not all crazy realistic with crazy shades and techniques.. I actually want to put this in my shop. I like how it turned out and im also thinking of creating her in another outfit. I also have a couple more people that I want to draw. Hopefully I have some time tonight :)
Hunger Games Catching Fire is out in theaters November 22nd.
im so excited. every time I see the trailer I get goose bumps and teary eyed. haha.
Rosa Clementine
Ok, this isn't super realistic.. but im still learning. haha. ive never really drawn a person like this before and I thought drawing my version of Katniss would be a start!
Even though its not all crazy realistic with crazy shades and techniques.. I actually want to put this in my shop. I like how it turned out and im also thinking of creating her in another outfit. I also have a couple more people that I want to draw. Hopefully I have some time tonight :)
Hunger Games Catching Fire is out in theaters November 22nd.
im so excited. every time I see the trailer I get goose bumps and teary eyed. haha.
Rosa Clementine
hunger games,
my art
info : shop & me
Since the Holidays are approaching and my trip to Hawaii is super duper soon, here are some info about whats going on at Pretty Clementine and also with me.
Custom Couple Portraits - I will be taking the last batch of portraits (well, all customs) on November 20th and will have them done before Thanksgiving. Customs will resume the beginning of January. Any Purchases from my shop from December 6th through December 15th all orders will be shipped on Tuesday the 17th of December. Other than customs and not getting things shipped the week I am in Hawaii the shop is all good ;)
Id also just like to thank everyone who has visited and ordered from Pretty Clementine! ive had my shop for almost two years (started with Etsy) and it has finally started to rocket (there has definitely been some depressing moments, wondering if my shop would ever really take off.. but I know it always requires patience)! im so incredibly blessed and especially thankful to everyone for being so supportive and for just liking my art, period. Every kind word.. I really take that to heart & it really makes my dream more possible.
I really have been drawing since I could hold a pencil and since I was younger (sitting in front of the tv, drawing Daria characters) I knew I wanted to be an Artist. Growing up in a traditional Filipino family that wants you to become a nurse, I had a lot of convincing to do with my father and some of my family. making sure they knew that drawing is something I want to do for the rest of my life. Ive made it my major attending junior colleges and then attending the Art Institute majoring in Media Arts and Animation. And though I did not finish (finding a job to pay my rent and a lot of my bills was too important to pay for an expensive school), im glad I went there because I learned so much, met so many great & talented people and I really wouldn't have the mind set I have today.
Its incredibly hard work trying to get yourself and your work out there! Honestly, I have a lot of people to thank for that! So, thank you to those who have played some parts in my play :) I have really met some wonderful and super kind people on blogs and instagram.. I hope to meet all of you in person some day!
ok, enough of my sappiness :) haha.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and hope your week is blessed!
p.s. I watched Thor The Dark World twice this past weekend. yes, its pretty dang good. #TeamLoki
Rosa Clementine
Custom Couple Portraits - I will be taking the last batch of portraits (well, all customs) on November 20th and will have them done before Thanksgiving. Customs will resume the beginning of January. Any Purchases from my shop from December 6th through December 15th all orders will be shipped on Tuesday the 17th of December. Other than customs and not getting things shipped the week I am in Hawaii the shop is all good ;)
Id also just like to thank everyone who has visited and ordered from Pretty Clementine! ive had my shop for almost two years (started with Etsy) and it has finally started to rocket (there has definitely been some depressing moments, wondering if my shop would ever really take off.. but I know it always requires patience)! im so incredibly blessed and especially thankful to everyone for being so supportive and for just liking my art, period. Every kind word.. I really take that to heart & it really makes my dream more possible.
I really have been drawing since I could hold a pencil and since I was younger (sitting in front of the tv, drawing Daria characters) I knew I wanted to be an Artist. Growing up in a traditional Filipino family that wants you to become a nurse, I had a lot of convincing to do with my father and some of my family. making sure they knew that drawing is something I want to do for the rest of my life. Ive made it my major attending junior colleges and then attending the Art Institute majoring in Media Arts and Animation. And though I did not finish (finding a job to pay my rent and a lot of my bills was too important to pay for an expensive school), im glad I went there because I learned so much, met so many great & talented people and I really wouldn't have the mind set I have today.
Its incredibly hard work trying to get yourself and your work out there! Honestly, I have a lot of people to thank for that! So, thank you to those who have played some parts in my play :) I have really met some wonderful and super kind people on blogs and instagram.. I hope to meet all of you in person some day!
ok, enough of my sappiness :) haha.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and hope your week is blessed!
p.s. I watched Thor The Dark World twice this past weekend. yes, its pretty dang good. #TeamLoki
Rosa Clementine
my art,
pretty clementine,
rosa clementine
Friday faves : geek love
Happy Friday!! ive put together a bunch of awesome geek like things I have been wanting!!
♥ Scrolling through Forever 21's website (finding clothes for Hawaii hehe) I stumbled upon THIS awesome Simpsons sweater. OMG. as a long time fan.. I just gotta have it!
♥ Yummy You! scarf by Twinkie Chan on Modcloth! whaaaaa?? I would say this is more in the ADORABLEY CUTE than geeky category though. such a fan of hers!
♥ Mermaid bookends! Mermaids! Books! Double amazing! I go kinda nuts seeing awesome bookends like this! My most favorite(s) though? the Star Wars ones!
♥ now if only they had Scotty! haha but these Star Trek salt and pepper shakers are on my list for my future home! I need these!
♥ Shakespeare and Star Wars.. now that's my kind of combo. I have a Star wars collection and a small collection of Shakespeare books and I would love to add this William Shakespeare's Star Wars book! This is actually A MUST HAVE!
♥ This duvet cover is pretty pricey for me and if any of you find something similar & cheap please let me know! I love this so much!
♥ When I saw this Clock I immediately thought of Peter Pan! I want this in my home!
♥ So im kind of getting tired of unplugging and plugging the different USB cords to my computer when im working.. I should probably consider purchasing a USB hub! I found this Cloud USB Hub that I am thinking of getting soon!
hmmmm, I would say this is probably my Christmas wish list ;) haha.
this and money for Disneyland! =P
Have a great weekend!
Rosa Clementine
Friday faves
Christmas fever in the shop
my shop is into the Christmas spirit! :) ive added a bunch of Christmas themed art! Like PDF printable gift tags! print and cut! so easy and you can print as many as you want! I also created a new piece involving Joel and Clementine (from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). I got some printed yesterday and they came out so wonderfully.. I even hung one up in my room haha. And as ive mentioned before ive got Christmas postcards in the shop! Send a sweet letter to a friend, a loved one or a stranger ;)
hope you all are having a lovely Thursday! :)
hope you all are having a lovely Thursday! :)
my art,
pretty clementine,
martian girls
I rarely share my pencil drawings so I thought id post one. As you all know I have changed the name of my blog, well I also changed the name of my etsy shop from Rosalyn's Pretty Things to The Martian Maitland. The reason why is that I already have my main shop Pretty Clementine (which features all kinds of illustrations) but have been wanting to start a new project. As an illustrator and a dreamer of becoming an animator I have been wanting to start up a series. This series will be drawings of Alien girls, also known as Martian Girls. my idea of it is fun, geeky and girly. I grew fond of Aliens for years and years and have sketched up a few drawings of them in the past but now im ready to take it further. Im creating these Martian Girls in such a fun and sweet way. above are some sketches of them with hints of desserts (I got to add desserts into my pieces haha) and then theres a Martian girl from the 1920's. These are just ideas of what im wanting to whip up for my new shop. They will be Martians with different themes.
im looking to create buttons, maybe hand-painted brooches, portrait paintings of them and prints (basically like my Pretty Clementine shop but all Alien themed). The shop wont be open until maybe December or January but I might add a few things to see how it goes.
what are your thoughts about my Martian Girls?
Rosa Clementine
im looking to create buttons, maybe hand-painted brooches, portrait paintings of them and prints (basically like my Pretty Clementine shop but all Alien themed). The shop wont be open until maybe December or January but I might add a few things to see how it goes.
what are your thoughts about my Martian Girls?
Rosa Clementine
my favorite brooches
theres really nothing I love more (ok, maybe Simon Pegg and Chris Evans) than hand-made items! Here are my favorite brooches that so happens to be hand-drawn, hand-painted and hand-made! im so happy to share them with you all. As someone who also hand-paints brooches, I know how much care and time these artist put into their work. So, that (and the incredible work itself) is what intrigues me and becomes a fan. The artists im about to mention are no strangers to my blog :) ive probably mentioned them a couple times on here.. but hey! im a fan!
Michelle of Creature Type created these adorably-delicious donut brooches! yes.. I bought two ;) im seriously so in love with them and im such a fan of her work! Visit her Etsy shop.
ive mentioned Diana in my All for Elfman post. She creates beautiful Disney inspired things! The chocolate ice cream pin is the first thing I ever bought from her and i was just so impressed by her craftsmanship! shes seriously one talented lady! You can check out her work in her Etsy shop: Love That Mouse.
Kate from Scathingly Brilliant makes the most pretty and adorable things.. ever. im such a huge fan of her shop Sweet & Lovely and have bought so many things! One of them being the ice cream sweater clips. I actually use them as brooches from time to time ;) theyre such so lovely! as you can tell by now, im a huge fan of dessert themed brooches (and other things).
Last but certainly not least.. how awesome is this Vincent Price brooch? the lovely Ms. Dee from Ahoy Miss has her own Etsy shop called Ghosts Waltz full of pretty-ghostlike art! im so in love with her work and im so happy to have finally purchased something from her shop. This brooch has become my very favorite! Just letting you know Dee, i will be purchasing more in the near future! haha.
have a lovely Tuesday!
Rosa Clementine
Michelle of Creature Type created these adorably-delicious donut brooches! yes.. I bought two ;) im seriously so in love with them and im such a fan of her work! Visit her Etsy shop.
ive mentioned Diana in my All for Elfman post. She creates beautiful Disney inspired things! The chocolate ice cream pin is the first thing I ever bought from her and i was just so impressed by her craftsmanship! shes seriously one talented lady! You can check out her work in her Etsy shop: Love That Mouse.
Kate from Scathingly Brilliant makes the most pretty and adorable things.. ever. im such a huge fan of her shop Sweet & Lovely and have bought so many things! One of them being the ice cream sweater clips. I actually use them as brooches from time to time ;) theyre such so lovely! as you can tell by now, im a huge fan of dessert themed brooches (and other things).
Last but certainly not least.. how awesome is this Vincent Price brooch? the lovely Ms. Dee from Ahoy Miss has her own Etsy shop called Ghosts Waltz full of pretty-ghostlike art! im so in love with her work and im so happy to have finally purchased something from her shop. This brooch has become my very favorite! Just letting you know Dee, i will be purchasing more in the near future! haha.
have a lovely Tuesday!
Rosa Clementine
the holidays
I got a chance to add some new things to my shop! ive added new Holiday prints and postcards and MORE will be added sometime this week! yay! So go check them out! :)
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Rosa Clementine
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Rosa Clementine
pretty clementine,
a new blog name
i have changed my blog name to Hello Martian Girl! thought long and hard about it annnnd i did it! haha. Hello Martian Girl represents my love for Aliens, sci-fi and the geekery world. Its also based off the character The Martian Girl from Mars Attacks (one of my favorite films). I have also changed the name of my Etsy shop : The Martian Maitland. still deciding wether to change the name of my Storenvy shop.. but right now its im leaning towards "no" since my that shop has been doing pretty good lately and i dont want to mess anything up and confuse everyone. haha.
also, just a note to some customers.. if i havent emailed you or gotten back to you in the past 5 days, its because ive been incredibly busy with work (i have two and since ive been doing pretty good balancing them, sometimes it overloads). i apologize for that! but just letting you know your orders are coming VERY soon. Today has been the only day that i have actually got to myself and im getting orders done as much as i can :)
hope you guys understand!
anyway.. im so siked about this new name! i think because its more me. haha.
grab a button here and share!
hope you all have a great weekend!
also, just a note to some customers.. if i havent emailed you or gotten back to you in the past 5 days, its because ive been incredibly busy with work (i have two and since ive been doing pretty good balancing them, sometimes it overloads). i apologize for that! but just letting you know your orders are coming VERY soon. Today has been the only day that i have actually got to myself and im getting orders done as much as i can :)
hope you guys understand!
anyway.. im so siked about this new name! i think because its more me. haha.
grab a button here and share!
hope you all have a great weekend!
new blog name,
youve got red on you
Shaun of the Dead is one of my most favorite films, ever. I knew at the beginning of the year that I wanted to be Shaun Riley for Halloween! But.. of course.. I waited until the night before and the morning of Halloween to put my costume together. haha. I mean, not that it was hard. but I was extremely exhausted from my trip to LA and really only had about 2-3 hours Wednesday night to go to 4 different stores and put everything together. the outfit was good and ready to go but by the time I finished I became even more tired. So I didn't get to create my Foree Electric badge AND make a cricket bat :( So I woke up a little earlier than usual and created my badge on Illustrator, printed it at work and put it together by taping it onto a piece of cardboard and attaching a pin to the back.
I went to work dressed as Shaun but no one really knew who I was. haha. I actually didn't put my tie on till later so maybe people thought I was just dressed in white shirt with red ink leaking. Actually, when I went to Wallmart on my lunch to get my tie, a man had stopped me and said "excuse me Ma'am, your pen is leaking" haha. I giggled and said that it was meant to look like that but thank you! haha he laughed.
at night I got to put some blood on my shirt! YAY! haha. not as much as I really wanted to since I was hugging and carrying the baby. If I wear this costume again I want to add more blood and definitely have a cricket bat this time. haha. im thinking of being Shaun again for Cosplay at Comic Con! This Halloween I stayed with my family and went trick or treating with my niece and nephew. it was a lot of fun. cold but still fun.
I think this costume is one of my most favorites (a close tie to the one time I was Frodo), even though it was simple this costume was more than just a costume. it represents my love for the movie itself, the Cornetto Trilogy, being an Edgar Wright fan and being in love with Simon Pegg (haha). I think next year i miiiight be Gary King from The worlds End. maybe. i would love to be one of the Marmalade Sandwich girls if i had two friends that would like to join in! haha. We'll see!
shirt - wallmart / tie - wallmart / badge - handmade / blood - party city
Hope you guys had a great Halloween!! :)
Happy Friday!

shaun of the dead,
shaun riley,
simon pegg
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