So i decided to show my mini disney pin collection. Sure, its not a lot.. but i do love the ones i got! :)
I actually JUST started this collection after buying my first pin (Mr. Pricklepants)! My official first pin was one that my best friend bought me 6/7 years ago, which was a Mickey Mouse icon head of an Italian flag (i had an ex-boyfriend who is Italian). So not so very sure where that is at the moment, i consider Mr. Pricklepants my very first :)
Im showing you all my pins, because well.. im pretty excited to start this collection. I actually just got a few in the mail yesterday and im pretty stoked. Oh and obsessed. I now spend a lot of my time on ebay searching for some. yikes! Need to save your money, Roz. haha.
I am actually missing one in the photo above, which is my Jessica Rabbit pin, i forgot to photograph it. whoopsies.
I bought Mr. Pricklepants on my recent trip to Disneyland this year. He is my favorite Toy Story character and when i saw him i immediatly just bought him. He is absolutely adorable! Isnt he?
For my recent trip to the
San Francisco Giants game my friends and i decided to decorate our own denim vest with Pixar characters and SF Giants. I asked one of my friends to grab me a pin or patch at a game she went before and she ended up getting me the most adorable Minnie pin. On the night of the SF Giants game i went to, i ended up purchasing Mickey! :) Next game i will purchase Donald &/or Goofy.
I am a gigantic Star Wars fan! My favorite characters from all 6 films are Darth Maul and R2-D2! Im pretty much in LOVE with this pin and sometimes i just pick it up and gaze at it. Does that sound super nerdy? haha. I still need an R2 pin, PLUS a ton of other Star Wars pins. haha.
The last two pins that i own are my most favorite pins. I am a huge Roger Rabbit fan and he is one of my very favorite characters! I purchased both these pins on Ebay, the 10th Anniversary was won in an auction. Im pretty thrilled.
I hold this Roger Rabbit pin dear to my heart, because well, this is a vintage 1987 pin. LOVE!
Im so excited to find more pins. Hopefully i dont go too crazy though, my money needs to stay in my pocket. haha. Right now im searching for any Mr. Fredricksen (or any UP pins), Pocahontas (& John Smith), Ariel and The Incredibles pins.
Wish me luck!
I hope you enjoyed my mini collection post. If you have any, please share!
I love these sort of things! :)