

I recently began painting new pieces for a showcase ill be participating on the 20th of June. Right now i have about 5 8x10 paintings, 1 oval wood painting and about 5 prints. seems like a lot, but it isnt! haha. Im excited to just dedicate a day to getting some pieces done! Ive been inspired by some of my favorite people on IG, movies, 1950's and Disney (of course). The second photo above was inspired by Christie Dupree. She is one of my favorite people to follow on IG and shes just super adorable. I just instantly got inspired by her gorgeous red hair and love for mint green!
Im excited to share (new) paintings and prints with you all!

Tea Party Wonderland

i was recently asked by my sister to help out with my nieces 13th birthday party (the 8th of June). she wants to throw her an Alice in Wonderland / tea party birthday that isnt going to cost a lot. I told her, with my help, its possible! :) One thing i love to do are DIY's and if you didnt know this about me, i love throwing/decorating parties with themes. I have already a bunch of ideas in mind (thanks to Pinterest as well) and will show you all the process when i start but for now lets start with the invite.
All i could see in my head is the dainty tea party with a hint of Alice in Wonderland, so i came up with and designed this invite above. My sister loved it. and guess what? it doesnt cost much at all. I think the only thing purchased for this is the paper, which wont be too much.
Im super excited about this party! Stay tuned for more.

Mini Disney Pin Collection

So i decided to show my mini disney pin collection. Sure, its not a lot.. but i do love the ones i got! :)
I actually JUST started this collection after buying my first pin (Mr. Pricklepants)! My official first pin was one that my best friend bought me 6/7 years ago, which was a Mickey Mouse icon head of an Italian flag (i had an ex-boyfriend who is Italian). So not so very sure where that is at the moment, i consider Mr. Pricklepants my very first :)

Im showing you all my pins, because well.. im pretty excited to start this collection. I actually just got a few in the mail yesterday and im pretty stoked. Oh and obsessed. I now spend a lot of my time on ebay searching for some. yikes! Need to save your money, Roz. haha.
I am actually missing one in the photo above, which is my Jessica Rabbit pin, i forgot to photograph it. whoopsies.
I bought Mr. Pricklepants on my recent trip to Disneyland this year. He is my favorite Toy Story character and when i saw him i immediatly just bought him. He is absolutely adorable! Isnt he?
For my recent trip to the San Francisco Giants game my friends and i decided to decorate our own denim vest with Pixar characters and SF Giants. I asked one of my friends to grab me a pin or patch at a game she went before and she ended up getting me the most adorable Minnie pin. On the night of the SF Giants game i went to, i ended up purchasing Mickey! :) Next game i will purchase Donald &/or Goofy.
I am a gigantic Star Wars fan! My favorite characters from all 6 films are Darth Maul and R2-D2! Im pretty much in LOVE with this pin and sometimes i just pick it up and gaze at it. Does that sound super nerdy? haha. I still need an R2 pin, PLUS a ton of other Star Wars pins. haha.
The last two pins that i own are my most favorite pins. I am a huge Roger Rabbit fan and he is one of my very favorite characters! I purchased both these pins on Ebay, the 10th Anniversary was won in an auction. Im pretty thrilled.
 I hold this Roger Rabbit pin dear to my heart, because well, this is a vintage 1987 pin. LOVE!

Im so excited to find more pins. Hopefully i dont go too crazy though, my money needs to stay in my pocket. haha. Right now im searching for any Mr. Fredricksen (or any UP pins), Pocahontas (& John Smith), Ariel and The Incredibles pins.
Wish me luck!
I hope you enjoyed my mini collection post. If you have any, please share!
I love these sort of things! :)


Star Trek: Into Darkness

khan (Benedict Cumberbatch) & Kirk (Chris Pine) in Star Trek: Into Darkness

Im such a huge sci-fi fan BUT not a fan of the original Star Trek shows. I dont know, maybe i need to watch it from the beginning but it was just always so boring to me. When i first saw the previews to the first Star Trek movie (2009) i immediatly said "i need to watch it!" the previews won me over, i mean it looked really good.. and so did Chris Pines. haha. So i watched it and LOVED it! Of course when the previews to Star Trek: Into Darkness came out, there was no hesitation, it was already a must see for me. I barely just watched it last night, i wanted to see the midnight showing but things dont always go as planned. Anywho, i am so satisfied and its probably one of the best movies i have ever seen. Im not sure if this qualifies as a spoiler, but just in case, dont read my next sentence:
i loved that Scotty had a huge part in the movie, im a huge Simon Pegg fan and he is my favorite character in the movie!
ok, thats all. i just realized that wasnt a spoiler. haha. Another thing that i really liked was Khan. Benedict Cumberbatch (sp?) played a villain so amazingly well. And his voice! wow, it was pretty intense and made his character more evil. Such great acting in the movie. And you dont have to ask me about Spock (Zachery Quinto) and Kirk (Chris Pine) because theres is just no words just great characters.
If you have not seen Star Trek Into Darkness, please do! Especially you Sci-fi nerds. I want to see it again! :)

First Pixar Night at the San Francisco Giants game

ok, how awesome is this: PIXAR NIGHT? at the San Francisco Giants game? come on! Its pretty darn amazing, not to mention that it was the FIRST Pixar Night ever at the game.. also not to mention that I went! YUP! To get into the Pixar Giants spirit.. my best friend, Felicia, and i decided to go all out! We came up with the idea of decorating denim vest with our very own choice of a Pixar character with an SF Giants theme on the back. To create this piece i went ahead and painted them myself! :)
Below you will find all the characters i painted, minus one (Dug).

Of course, i picked the cutest kid ever; Russell from UP. It was a hard decision though.. I also had Mr. Pricklepants in mind. Uh well!
I painted all of them on a canvas bag that i bought from Michaels and just cut them up. I think i had to buy 3 to paint all 8. For paint, i used fabric paint that you can also find at Michaels.
I attended the game extremely early ( i DID NOT want to miss a thing). I have never gone so early before and i didnt know a bunch of people stood and sat around with their baseball gloves just to catch a ball! haha. It was pretty entertaining. My friend i just watched the Nationals as they practiced while i anticipated to see John Lasseter.
Minutes and minutes rolled and FINALLY Sully, Mike and John Lasseter stepped to the plate. I  seriously almost cried and could not believe i was in the same place as John Lasster, its like i basically met him. haha. not really, but it was VERY exciting. I could not get any good pictures of him.. since i was pretty far.
As you can see in the photo above, they look like little specs haha. So i went ahead and labeled them so you can see where they are.
This was my 4th or 5th Giants game ever and i seriously had one of the best nights! They won and i got a compliment on my Russell painting from some lovely people! :) It was a good night!


where have i been?

So sorry for not posting lately!
Its been a pretty busy month! Trying to finish some custom work, hitting the gym more, working on pieces for my showcase next month and painting a bunch of San Francisco Giants theme Pixar characters (that i will show sometime soon, im currently painting 8) for the Pixar Night Giants game Monday the 20th! Im so excited for that game! My first Giants game of 2013!
Anywho, here are some highlights from this past week:

 I got to see the "Great Gatsby" finally and now i cant stop saying "Old Sport!" haha. Such a long wait, but it was quite worth it. The directing, colors and acting was GREAT. Leo looked tremendously handsome (as usual)! My only concern was the music. I know, i know.. A lot of people loved it and some may say it was perfect. But for me, it wasnt bad, it was just that i would have wanted to hear more of the music from that time era then to hear the music we hear all the time. You feel me? haha. On another note, i wasnt too thrilled about Jay-z being the Executive Producer either, sorry.. im just not that big of a fan of his. BUT overall, the movie is a MUST-SEE!
Last week i went to Good Will to find a jean jacket (to make in to a vest) BUT i could not find any jackets in my size whats so ever. It wasnt such a sad thrifting time after all, i did find a NEW Betsey Johnson makeup bag in GOLD. i mean, really? it was like meant to be! I also ended up finding two long floral skirts in my size. wow! Thank you Jesus. Eventually i did find a jean vest..... from Target. haha.
Meet Rose and Earl Grey! I tasted Cako Macarons for the first time and they were quite delicious. Im a sucker for Macarons and any time i see them, i will TRY them! I have yet to make my own batch!
Last but not least, this beautiful baby girl. I dont get to see my little niece often anymore (life is getting real busy =/) but i got to see her twice in a row! My goodness, she is growing super duper fast! look at those teeth growing, shes practically one years old. haha.

Thats all for now!
I will try to post regulary again!
Hope you all have a good Wednesday!



Im thrilled to announce that i am having my second showcase with RAWartists. I did a showcase with them about 2 or so years ago in San Francsico but this time it will be in San Jose. Im even more exited that its in San Jose, because its 10x closer! I mean, SF isnt that far BUT at least i wont have to rush after work :) Whats so exciting about this opportunity is that i get to show the world my new pieces! My work has changed a lot from 2 years ago. I have really found who i am as an artist and have found the styles that really make me, me!
RAWartists is pretty dang cool! They search for incredibly talented (wait, am in that category? haha) folks; wether its Music, Art, Fashion, Hair, etc! They all come under one roof and share their talents! How exciting, right? Too be honest, im pretty nervous, BUT it'll be fun once the day comes!
You can check out my profile and if you are in the Bay Area and would like to go; you can buy tickets that are located on my RAW profile!
Details: June 20th,2013 // 8pm-12 // 21+ // Cocktail Attire (no jeans/caps/etc) // $10 advance/$15 at the door

I have actually started to sketch the new pieces i want to showcase! Adding a whole bunch of film inspirations! Im so excited! :)


monday favorites

Most of the time Mondays are pretty busy for me. So doodling and such doesnt happen often but i will try to squeeze in a little Pinterest since im on the computer all day! SHHHHHH! haha. I thought of something cool i can do every Monday from now on, how about "Monday Favorites"? I could show you some of the things im eyeballing! If there are any food or DIY's i will try to even do my own! Here are some of my favorites from today!
Gingerbread Pecan Almond Butter: i mean, really? The only one i have ever tasted was the one from Trader Joes and it was SOOOO GOOD! I cant wait to make this! 
Invisible Cookie Dough Ice Pops: these are definitely getting made once i buy a ice pop mold! These ice pops are made with Almond milk! how delicious does that sound? Try it!
Mini Spiced Chicken Burger w/ Mint Greek Yogurt: This looks and sounds so healthy! I been trying to eat a lot healthier and Pinterest has so many good recipes, im definitely going to make this!

Tell me some of your favorites!!

currently listening to

 When i listen to a certain genre, band, album, singer, etc. I get obsessive and wont listen to anything else for MONTHS. Below are my five top listens, pretty much what i have been listening to NON-STOP.
 1. Seth Macfarlane: i am a huge fan of Seth and when i heard his album "Music is Better Than Words" i simple fell in love with him more than ever. I have not stopped listening to it and i recommend it. He is probably my favorite singer in this whole entire world. haha.
2. Frank Sinatra: i mean who doesnt love him. Frank has always been one of my absolute favorites and ever since i started listening to Seth Macfarlane i wanted to broaden my Big Band obsession, what better way than to listen to Frank.
 3. Benny Goodman: well, not sure if you can tell.. but Im pretty obsessed with Big Band music and theres no other way to get in touch with the genre than to listen to the king of Big Band.
 4. Randy Newman: huge fan of movie scores, especially Disney & Pixar ones. One of my favorite composers is Randy Newman and i felt that since Monsters University's coming out soon, listening to Randy has made me more excited! Not to mention, inspired!

5. Happy Body Slow Brain: ok, so HBSB may not be in the Big Band range, but ever since i saw them live in January i pretty much have been listening to them non-stop. Pretty insane, but trust me when i say.. YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO THEM.

What have you all been listening to? Any Big Band recommendations? or any bands/music in general?