Pixar: Brave

I tried to start an animation blog a while back, i only did 3 post. haha. Well in one of them i posted about the movie Brave when the teaser first came out!!
Here is the teaser & this is what i wrote (8 months ago):

Pixar is coming out with a new movie next summer. its called “Brave” i have been keeping up with many tweets from some animators at Pixar!! The Brave teaser shows in the previews for Cars 2 (to make sure that you will see it for sure, see the movie in 3D). I got to see Cars 2 this past weekend, but didnt get a chance to watch it in 3D.. i was super bummed that the teaser wasnt in the preview. But the next day or 2 on Twitter, Lee Unkrich posted a link for the Brave teaser!! my heart was pounding like crazy.. like, should i watch Cars 2 in 3D just to see the teaser?? because i know it would be ten times amazing.. but i couldnt wait. So i watched the preview yesterday for the first time and i am completely amazed!! The teaser doesnt show a lot, but it definitely gives you a sprinkle of it!! i couldnt stop watching it yesterday and i think my favorite part about the teaser was Princess Merida’s hair. haha. its absolutely gorgeous!! I give props to the team that worked on the movie, because it looks so real!! :)
Incase you were wondering what Brave is about, its about a Scottish princess, Merida, defies her parents by persuing an interest in archery, but inadvertently jeopardizes her father’s kingdom in the process.
a pretty cool fact to know: this film marks the first time a Pixar produced film has a female protagonist. 
im crazy excited about the movie!! and i really cant wait!! 
P.S. Kevin Mckidd is the voice in the narration of the teaser <3 

Pixar has come out with 3 Trailers for the movie. The movie comes out June 22, 2012!! Its getting closer and i cant wait!! :)
You should check out the Brave website  for more info about the characters in the film as well as a gallery and videos!!
Im so amazed with the art work of this movie!! im ready to see it on screen!!

Saturday Shoppings

Forever 21 Dress: $22.80
Pretty cheap for a fabulous dress if i dont say so myself :)

H&M wallet - $3.95
i have been searching for a tiny wallet that i can bring to work instead of a purse,
and i found this lovely/simple treasure!!

New Art: Sherri Dupree Bemis & The Jbots

Here are some recent art that i purchased.
First we got Eisley's Singer/Songwriter: Sherri Dupree Bemis
I mentioned before that i had purchased her art, well.. here are the prints.
I waited till i got all of them to post a blog, she accidently forgot ONE print =P
she made it up by sending me an extra print "Shirley Jones" shown in the forth pic.
I got these 4 " An Odd Bunch - 4x6 Mini Bundle"
for $12.00

Bugging Girl - Pencil Sketch
Mosquito Sprayzilla - Pencil Sketch
Flower Bot - Ink Drawing
Little Miss Social Anxiety - Ink Drawing & Shirley Jones Print

Please check out her website!! She is an amazing artist!! 
Right now her site is temporarily closed since she is on tour, but you can still look around!! :)

Here's a print from The Jbots
11in x 17in 'The Bride" 
$5 + shipping = $10

I follow The Jbots on Instagram and i have loved his work ever since.
I remember when he posted this drawing of The Bride and i fell in love.
So happy to finally have my own print of it! yay!!

CNC Snow Trip 2012

(Girls Cabin)

This past weekend the College N' Career (CnC) group at my church
went on our annual Snow Trip to Lake Tahoe.
Here are some photos from our amazing trip!
On our way to play in the snow.

Girls Breakfast
Devotional night.

FEBRUARY: Photo A Day - 22

Feb 22: Where you work.
[Linear Tech during the day, art work during the night]

FEBRUARY: Photo A Day - 21

Feb 21: A Fave Photo of you.
[my nephew & i]

FEBRUARY: Photo A Day - 20

Feb 20: Handwriting

FEBRUARY: Photo A Day - 19

Feb 19: Something you hate to do.
[pack up & leave such a beautiful place (Tahoe)]

FEBRUARY: Photo A Day - 18

Feb 18: Drink

FEBRUARY: Photo A Day - 17

Feb 17: Time
[3:41 pm in Tahoe]

FEBRUARY: Photo A Day - 16

Feb 16: Something New
[new Modcloth purse]